Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Another peek.

I'm aware I'm being a bit secretive about this, I just don't want to open up giving you only crumbs. :) Here's a glimpse at other things I'm working on: another headband, a bracelet, and a necklace.

If anyone's interested, feel free to drop me a line in the comments.

Better pictures (aka pictures in which you can actually see the objects in their entirety!) will be up soon, I promise!

To all who are interested, thank you for your patience! Really truly.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Just some beading.

Here's a little preview of the stuff I'm going to be selling!

This is the last available headband in this colorway though...

If you're interested, drop me a line in the comments.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Stonehenge 1
Originally uploaded by chromachord.
Visiting Stonehenge was something that I've wanted to do ever since I was a little girl. Sadly, for me an hour wasn't enough, but it will have to do until I can afford to visit England again. The pound can get to be prohibitively expensive, specially on wallets that are funded by US money.

At least, one more thing off of my life list!

Friday, December 18, 2009

(Old) New Shoes.

I bought these babies several months ago, but with the hubbub of school and work and then more work and then the jewelry-making (website to be unveiled soon, hopefully!) they got lost on the priority list. I'd been fantasizing about them a bit and when they went on super-sale at Urban Outfitters, I jumped. The one thing I was worried about were the reviews that said they were difficult to walk in because of their height.

They're 5-inch heels with a 1-inch platform.

I'm not afraid of a little height. In fact, I quite love being tall. I figured, if they hurt, I'll just return them. (I've done this before with some Colin Stuart shoes. The angle of the shoe was hell for my ankles and knees. And since I already have damaged knees and don't need any more risk factors, I returned them. But, these puppies? Hah! Walking in them is a dream. Don't know what those reviewers were talking about. I love their bad-ass bondage vibe.

Sweet Life by Dolce Vita heels from Urban Outfitters.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Holidays...

The holidays are always a tricky time for me. They're very emotionally charged. 17 years ago I lost my grandmother and my family was never the same. Now, my remaining grandmother is ill and in a home. She doesn't recognize anybody anymore and she lives in the past. The last time she saw me, she thought I was my mother as a child. Needless to say, that broke my heart.

Also, three years ago I got seriously ill around the holidays and while with every year the memory fades a bit more, it's still there and I always remember it. Those were trying times and I'm glad I made it out, but again, everything changed. Some things for the better, but others were disappointing.

For the first time in a long time I truly looked forward to the holidays, but now I'm sort of swamped with memories. I keep dreaming about my grandmothers when they were still alive/well and it is wrenching and at the same terrifying. I feel guilty because I haven't visited my grandmother's grave in a while nor have I seen my other grandmother since she was placed in the home. It depresses me that she's there and I don't want to see her because I think I may lose it. I don't want to see her like that. I feel guilty for all those lost opportunities of talking to her and getting to know her better. Now, I very well may never know. I also feel guilty for being a stupid teenager and being too involved in my own crap and not noticing how she would try to get to know me more and teach me things. After all, she's the one that taught me how to play domino. She tried teaching me how to knit too...

My mother and I never talk about it, but I know that it pains her. She used to see grandma, but she stopped going too. I think it's because she couldn't take it either. I've thought of telling her that we should go, but I always stop myself. I don't think I can.

So for all those people who've lost touch with a loved one or have always postponed that chat, get to it. It's better that you swallow your pride or whatever it is that's holding you back because later on you may very well regret your actions. Get over yourself! Be thankful for everything and reach out. Otherwise, it may be too late.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Let's have some fun, this jumper is sick!

Okay, a lot of you are problably fed up with Lady Gaga, but I can't help it. She goes against the core of my very feminist nature, but her music is just so damn catchy. And I love the fact that she just wears whatever the hell she wants, which just appeals to my fashion loving magpie. While everything that she wears is not necessarily flattering or interesting, I like it that she doesn't care what the critics say. I hope she doesn't cave in and start playing fashion's rules because then Lady Gaga will become very boring.

So, in the spirit of Gaga (well not that much, I'm not going to go around in a bubble dress; not my style), I present to you something that I'm craving. It's a jumpsuit, which is something that my mom put me into when I was little (my mom, wise beyond her years in fashion knowledge, I think)

I love it and I've been stalking it down at the local Forever 21, but to no avail. I want it...

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Is she alive or dead? Has she thoughts within her head?

I assure you, I am alive and there are thoughts within my head. The last couple of months have been hectic: plagued with health, school, and work issues. But I am here! Working hard to keep up with the cyberworld.

I wonder what everyone has been up to...and if you still read this blog! If you do, I'd like to thank you for still checking up occasionally and not giving up! If you did kick me to the curb, I understand. I've been working on some stuff lately that will hopefully be available soon. Right now, I'm swamped at work and living among piles of stuff that has to be put away.

In the meantime, I will leave you with this amazing mask, courtesy of Tom Banwell and his wife, who are sellers on Etsy. You can find them here. Be sure to take a look, there work is spectacular. I am currently craving this mask so bad, but what am I going to do with it? I can't just wear a mask to work! Are there any masque balls happening in my vicinity?


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

I got back on the 30th of September and I haven't said a word. I know; I'm a bad blogger. But I have reasons! Lots of projects! Thesis! Uh, stuff!

I haven't even started editing my trip pictures, in fact, I should do that now. Start, that is. I've been busy doing crafting, setting up some projects, writing up a storm with my thesis (13 pages in one week! For me, huge progress), and working. When I get home, I'm usually too tired to do anything and the significant amounts of rain that have been falling lately do not help at all. But I will remedy this and start talking about the trip. Now.

Damian and I spent 19 days traveling through England and Spain, with stops in London, Oxford, Madrid, and Barcelona, with a Tarragona drive-by. The whole reason for the trip was my presentation at Mansfield College at the University of Oxford. (Squee!) Damian was all, "Oh I will sacrifice myself and accompany you on this trip. Can we make a stop in Spain?" Oh, such a disinterested and noble soul!

We were going to go to Segovia but we overslept. Jet lag is awesome. And I think that was the only day we overslept because the rest of the trip was spent waking up at 6-7-8 AM. In England, we took a Windsor, Bath, and Stonehenge tour which was pretty great. We almost got left behind at every single spot (them Brits, so punctual), but we managed to make it back to London safe and sound at the end of the day.

England was pretty beautiful, just cold. Well, the problem wasn't really the temperature; it was the wind. And the exchange rate for the pound. Our wallets wept the whole time we were in the UK, that's how bad the exchange rate was. I mean, did we really have to eat? Can't we just save the money?

I kid!

Spain was also great. My word, was the change in temperature welcome. Barcelona was gorgeous: I liked the fact that I had the sea close (well, right there) and the mountains too. For some reason, I don't like being landlocked. It's one of those finicky OCD things of mine. But back to the city. Great architecture (didn't enjoy the heights though), pretty sights, and, well. Let's face it.

The food.

Oh, dear god, the food.

I think I'm still composed of wine, sugar and carbohydrates. Everything we ate (with only two small exceptions) was amazing. The seafood was insanely fresh, there were so many varieties of fruits, and let's not even talk about the ENTIRE AISLE OF CHOCOLATE.


I'm still feeling that one.

This trip meant a lot to me, and it's not only because I spent my birthday over there, which was nice. A birthday to remember. Specially since Damian is an evil plotter and he made me cry. But I digress. I got to do so many things I've dreamed of doing since I was a child, like visiting Stonehenge and seeing Roman ruins. And presenting at Oxford, among others. It also meant a lot because I got to spend it with someone I love and who loves me.

And I'm going to stop the googly eye talk now because I'm going to lose my readers. All four of them!

I don't think there are enough words to describe how great this trip was. I had a great time and now I want to win the lottery so I can go over there and not have to return! Woohoo! I will blog pictures of the trip sporadically because I have around four thousand pictures that I have to slough through. Meanwhile, I'll do my best to blog frequently.

Take care everyone!

Friday, September 11, 2009


Yesterday, Damian and I were getting some presents for his relatives in Spain (and also as a thank you for letting us stay over). His dad came along to help us since he knows more about the family's tastes than we do.

So while at Old Navy, they spot this dragon costume for Damian's baby cousin. And for some reason, they were really excited. I would've never thought that they'd flip over this dragon costume, but they did. And now, I'm taking this in my carry on luggage.

Not to say that I don't find the costume unbearably cute. I mean, I'm already plotting to teach the baby to go "rar!"

Costume is available at Old Navy.


So I'm almost done packing: only missing my camera, a printed copy of my essay, and some tights. Oh, and some assorted jewelry. But, other than that, I am pretty much done with packing. I did it today because I know that tomorrow I will not have enough time, I have to go to work. And I leave on Saturday, so I'm not going to do everything last minute.

That said, it would've been nice to have some time off and do things a bit more calmly. Oh well. I have to wake up early today to go to work. The waking up early part blows chunks like whoa, but, I HAVE A JOB. That cancels it out.

I was pondering the possibility of making a sign for the plane that says "Wake only for food and emergencies." But, that's not really viable is it? I mean...I'm already going to walk around with a (kid's) dragon costume in my carry-on, don't need to give them additional evidence that I'm a few beans short of a burrito.

The worst part is that I can feel myself getting sick. I've been chugging pills and water like a fiend, but no dice. I will definitely be getting a spot of the flu for the beginning of the trip. Which is disappointing, but I'd rather get sick now and have it just be a cold/flu. I really don't need a repeat of that marvelous digestive pyrotechnia that I experienced in New Orleans. I mean, wow. Talk about making a memory.

Well, bed time. Let's see if I can squeeze another DIY post before I leave. Good night!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

The Second H.

Remember a few months ago when I'd said that two very nice things had happened with the word H? The first was revealed, Harvard, but I never said anything about the second. Here's a peek.

Guessed what it is yet?


I'm not a watch person, but after seeing the Hermès Medor on Mimi from Brook & Lyn, I freaked. I'd always said that if I got a watch, it would be something that looked like a bracelet. I'd seen a Timex that I liked and mom was so surprised that I mentioned a watch, she got it for me as a Valentine's Day present.

But I saw the Medor some time later on Mimi on her blog. And it stayed in my mind. I decided to get it for myself as a gift for successfully presenting at several conferences. Also, because I needed to stop being late everywhere.

That last part hasn't stopped. Sorry, I will seemingly never arrive early anywhere.

So far I'm very happy with it. And now I'm sort of addicted...I really like the new Medors with the double straps. But I'm definitely not getting any one now. Perhaps in the future!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009


I have returned. And I finally have a new camera! I'm still figuring it out, but I mourn for my old E900...oh well. Keep calm and carry on.

I'd promised eons ago to put pictures of my stud DIY and at last I can do that. I guess it's been built up on a lot since I've been unable to post the pictures up. This jacket was inspired by Mimi of Brook & Lyn and Zana of Garbage Dress.

Originally, it was supposed to be covered in studs, but I didn't like that. So I took some out and made a little pattern. Tetris inspired? Maybe.

I got this linen jacket at the Salvation Army for a dollar and ordered some studs from Studs and Spikes (thanks for the recommendation, Mimi!). I studded it entirely, didn't like it, let it sit there while I fired out what to do with it, and then finally figured it out.

So there it is. My stud DIY. I still haven't properly worn it out yet. Can't wait to wear it out thou!

And I'm headless in that last picture because it had been a long day.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Still hanging.

For a while I thought of completely chucking the blog, but I just don't have the heart. I've been busy with school (meaning thesis), work, some DIY, personal things, and, the all-encompassing paper draft that was due this past Friday.

Also, my camera finally caved and it was shipped off last week to see if it can be fixed. If not, it will be replaced. Sadness! I hope that the fixed (or replaced) camera arrives before I leave for my trip next month. Ah, yes, that's the other thing that's been occupying my time. Frantically planning or trying to because I say to Damian, "we've got to do this!" and he's all, "yes!" And then we fall asleep or forget.

Clearly, we cannot rule the world. Oh well.

I'm hoping to get some paid design work in before November because the situation is serious...barely any jobs out there.

Well, now it's back to work. Have to get some things done today, no dice. For those of you still reading this, thanks for hanging on! And just wait a little longer until I get my camera back for updateds on my DIYs. :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Style wants.

A couple of style desires that have been occupying my mind lately.

First, the Ikea Knappa lamp. Hell, the series.
I've been wanting one for ages and apparently nobody lives near enough an Ikea to get me one. I also like the floor lamp, but this one is the one that is calling to me like a siren to a sailor. Seriously. And now, a cafe in my town has them and I am going insane. I need this lamp. Yes.

Another style desire is a sequined long-sleeve mini dress. Not so mini that I breathe and my lady parts are exposed to the world, but short enough so I can prance around in heels and feel absolutely fun.

Next, a lace dress. No, no...none of that Prada stuff. I actually disliked that line immensely. I would like a 50's style shift with a lace overlay...I can dream, I can dream...

Also, white! White, white, white! No, I'm not being elitist, but I've always wanted a white blazer, a white pencil skirt, and white pants. I actually have a white blazer (second hand, thank you Salvation Army), but I have to line it. I have white pants, but they are linen. I'd like something that could pass off as a fabulous suit. And I have not found a white pencil skirt, which makes me sad. One of my (sillier to some) life list wishes is to have clothes tailor made for me in Hong Kong. Guess this will be one of those projects.

Feather print or feather covered shoes. Yes, a bit morbid, but ever since I saw them on Style Bubble I have lusted. Oh and how. Maybe if I tried them on, my cravings would be satisfied. I guess I like weird stuff.

Zippers: I want a solid black (or white; wait, how about both? or gray?) dress with an exposed zipper going down the entire back. My word, one of my classmates wore a style like this and I almost murdered her to take the garment off her body. I need a dress like this, but no one has zippers long enough for me to make this! I'd also like a blazer with zipper trim.

I'd also like a fabulous job in which I could prance around with all my dream outfits. And while we're at it, fairy godparents, how about a nice sewing machine too?

Ah, fantasies...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why do I want this?

Please, someone, tell me. I don't know why but I am drawn to this. Perhaps I just have some irrepressible magnet towards the most peculiar things in the store (because lord knows that only one other person checked out the ombre shirts at the Gap outlet yesterday...).

Back to the topic. I want these to wear them under a black dress to work or for nights out. I must obtain these. Part of me thinks I need to learn to make leggings..after all, they should be simple right?

And that's how every dark DIY project starts: it must be simple, right?

If anyone else is as interested in these as I am, they're going for $9.80 at Forever 21. Click here.

Monday, July 13, 2009

The weird dreams continue.

So I've mentioned before my unfortunate and continuing nightmares featuring terminators. Well, this morning they got even better...

I dreamt that the Kyle Reese character and Michael Jackson were both my fathers. And we were trying to run away from the terminators. My dreams just keep getting randomer and randomer. And Christian Bale isn't there to save me anymore. Shit.

(I don't think Damian likes the Christian Bale part.)

Anyway. Another recent crazy dream featured Clive Owen and Damian. Clive Owen wanted to marry me. So clearly, my subconscious is a little haywire lately.

(I don't think Damian likes the Clive Owen part either. Oh well!)

I'm a bit tired and definitely wondering what rollercoaster ride tonight's sleep will bring, hopefully not nightmares of job interviews. I think today's interview went well and I sincerely hope I did not just shoot (hell, blow my damn foot off) myself on the foot by saying that. At the very least, I thank them very much for their time (and patience with my getting lost).

And now, to sleep. If not sleep, then do some DIY patterns or sowing. I'm so inspired (or at least, driven) lately!

Four more.

Just got done sending off my resumé to four more companies. Have an interview later on today. Let's hope that goes well...

And now to bed, because my undereye circles are truly quite terrifying. I look like something out of a Japanese horror film.



The desktop, for some reason, doesn't have a PDF reader. What? Why? I stop using this computer frequently and this is what happens?

Have had to convert resumé into .jpg in order to print...geh.

Seriously, good night.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Trinity ring.

Is that what they're called?

Either way, I've always wanted one, but I've always felt that that's something you should give or receive, as I've been taught that they represent infinity/eternity and that's something you usually associate with love.

Or what I've been told can be a barrel full of baloney for all I know.

If you're interested, this version is from Forever 21, and only $2.80! I may just give up and get one myself if I find myself in San Juan when they open with three dollars to spare.

And totally justify the purchase by saying that the love one has for oneself must/should exceed the love with invest in other people. But then, isn't that something one says to justify when they're too deep in?

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Rage Against.

Part of me is sure that I'm crossing over to that dark, embittered side that is eerily similar to that of the people I dislike, perhaps even hate. I don't think I utterly hate anyone, but I definitely feel a strong opposite emotion to the affection I once held for them.

Furthermore, I've been just seething. Angry. Angry at people. Angry at what they don't appreciate. Bitching at what they've lost when they don't see what they still have. It's not envy, it's anger. Not envy because I realize that I make of life what I want and I'm doing the best I can to get there. Anger because these people are just wasting away opportunities out of pure pettiness. Anger because they destroy things at will, without thinking of what effect their actions have on whomever.

I fear I've become what I hate: those people who just seethe. But I'm so full of anger. So full of anger. I get angry at people because I wonder if they realize what they do or if they just live in their egocentric bubble and ignore the effects of their actions in other people's lives. This has been bubbling up under my skin for so long it seems, but in reality it was just exacerbated by certain events in the past few months. How can people live with themselves when they just associate with other people who perpetuate falsehoods and hate? How can they tolerate themselves when they mete out prejudiced decisions without hearing every side of the story? Furthermore, how dare they act like there is nothing wrong?

Sadly, I must forcibly interact with some of these people and it makes me feel like it's eating my soul inside. I have to deal with these idiots who live on their high horse and believe they are the center of the universe. Or maybe it's just a lie they tell themselves because they have things they don't want to face.

And stupid me, sometimes I just want to sit down and talk to people. Ask them why. Why do you do this. Why do you treat us this way? But I can't because part of me refuses to believe that there are people like that in this world.

I'm sick of having people talk behind my back and then act as if nothing was wrong. Fuck you and your overblown ideas of yourself. Stop projecting your fears and insecurities onto me. I don't do that to you. Hell, I've supported people through some decisions that are perhaps questionable, but all I've said was that it was that person's choice and whatever they chose I would back them up.

This is what you get for trying to let people live their own lives. I get dramatic ultimatums, unexplained cutoffs, hypocrisy, disappointment, seething comments, and of course, the almighty attitude of self-righteousness. But perhaps they're doing me a favor. I mean, who would want such negative entities in their lives, correct?

But this anger is far too rooted to just let go. I want to know why. What did I ever do to deserve such platitudes. I truly do not think it's jealousy because I have nothing for anyone to be jealous about. I am just a human being trying to make good of herself and trying to help others. I am not perfect, I make mistakes. I have conditions that at times have debilitated my life so much to the point of not eating, not sleeping, just barely existing for days or weeks. But I cannot let this get to me, because then, when I die, what will I have to say for myself? That I quit? It's not like I have not done it, but I have to find a good worthwhile reason to. And then think hard. And then push myself not to. Because then I'll think I'm just another fuck-up that's not worth another get-go.

Maybe this venting will help me close a chapter in my life. Maybe by releasing all that into the universe, it's gone. I feel a bit better, but I'm scared that, deep down, in the bottom, there is still some hurt left. And sadly, I think I will never forgive the hurt. It seems like I can't pardon those who judge without asking questions first. Who act without thinking what the other person feels. Who don't even seemingly consider that that other person might just need their help, not their complaint. I've been sick, so sick to the point where I feared dying and so few stayed the course. Some tried, but quit, and I can accept that. What I cannot accept was the reactions of some. I am truly appreciative of those who have been with me through the years, who helped me through this hellhole that I've had to crawl through and out of. Perhaps you will never know how much you mean to me because I can never really place such things into spoken words. But you where there for me and I hope that something as dark never happens to you. If it does, I will pray that I will be there for you as you where for me. But I sincerely wish it does not.

I hope this is a chapter anew. I hope that these feelings will just rot into the soil and then come back as something different, something positive, after being processed. I'm just through dealing with such people. I simply do not need their stuff. I have enough dark places to sort through of my own, I don't need your petty insecurities, fears, or whatever it is you may feel in regards to me, my life, my decisions, etcetera. I don't need your dark cloud hanging over me. If I am to fail, let it be on my own, of my own volition. If I fail, let it be because I thought I was doing the right thing for myself, not for you or anyone else.

(Of course, this last statement does not apply to self-destructive behavior. In any case, get me out of that, stat. Or, if all fails, let me get through my marinating process and be sure I don't do something utterly stupid.)

Sorry if I have inundated your day with negative thoughts, it was not my intention. But I needed to let out all these dark thoughts that were festering inside. I just needed to let it all out and put it out there, let it go. Dissipate. I feel much lighter now. As if a weight has been lifted off.

Thanks for putting up with this, everyone. Again, hope this was not a downer. Good night!

Thesis denial.

What have I been up to lately? Literally, nothing much. Tutoring, trying to get back in shape but failing miserably, sowing, and now, trying to find flights to Heathrow but nothing going. Gatwick or Luton. Neither option is entirely appealing due to it's distance from London.

Working on/off on my thesis, having nightmares every night (with Terminator(s) in the starring role, awesome), looking at old pictures and feeling like a loser because I'm not taking care of myself as I should be. I'm also trying to cheer myself up and not think about everything I've lost, but what I've gained. Sometimes that goes well. Sometimes, not so great.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fashionable ex-con?

I finally finished the graphic design project: now I'm just waiting to hear if they have any comments or changes to be made. But it is done! Now I can completely focus on my thesis, photography, and DIY projects like this one:

My dog decided to make an appearance...I don't mind, but these are the only decent shots I got! The others consisted of her jumping up and down to get my attention. And I've got my summer clothes on: it's far too hot and humid to contemplate jeans or sleeves at this point.

Anyway, this was the first stage of the cardigan. I'm almost finished adding some extra fabric to the front, so I will update with that. Some might say it's too much strip, but I beg to differ...though I have my own particularly graphic and odd tastes, so it's clear I may think it's normal and others not! ;)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The DIY continues.

I bought this skirt around two months or more ago, but it was too long. It hit a bit longer than mid-calf. Since I love bright pronounced prints, I couldn't pass it up and at .75 cents I was willing to fix it up myself.

Since it's too hot to do anything but sit in front of the fan and work, that's precisely what I've been doing lately. Catching up on all my DIY and working on my design projects. I had cut the excess fabric, but had yet to hem it. I decided that today was the day et voilá. A summer skirt that can be dressed up or down. I'm wearing it decidedly down because, honestly, it's too hot to put any effort on anything but properly ventilated outfits.

I feel like my face looks utterly silly in the picture, but, oh well. It's summer, it's hot, and I'm not going to wear any make-up right now.

Maybe it's a little too camp or weird, but I like it!

Monday, June 08, 2009

DIY Hairchain.

Not the best pic ever, but it will do, no?

Some time ago, I started this headband (headchain? hairchain?) after being inspired by the blog Childhood Flames. Originally it had some fabric too, but I didn't like it. I told myself I was going to change it, but I kept putting it in the backburner until yesterday when I found it and decided it was now or never. And I quite like how it looks. I'm also planning on making a single chain headband since I think it will look pretty and interesting, a lone chain adorning one's hair!

Today I was also up to making my friend Jen's birthday present. It isn't much since I'm strapped for cash, but I think it's nice...I edited, printed out and framed some pictures of her and her husband from their wedding and from our trip to New Orleans. The first one is a total surprise since I never showed them the pics I took at their wedding. But I'm not going to put them up here since that's their private life. But they're really cute.

Other than that, nothing much. Just going to continue working on the design project, tutor a teenager (yay additional summer gig!), and DIY a lot. In addition to writing my thesis, oh but of course...Most of the DIY will consist of sowing some thrifted stuff. I really want to finish fixing up a romper I bought months ago, but have had no time to focus on.

Until the next post! Let's see if my schedule let's up. And my sunburn stops hurting. Yum.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

X marks the spot...

This was not done on purpose...

I diligently apply and reapply sunblock when I go to the beach. I usually use 75 SPF, but this time I took 50 SPF because that's what I found in my cabinet. Yesterday, Damian and I went to the beach with my cousin and her husband and we did apply sunblock a couple of times. And this still happened. That's how nasty the sun can be in Puerto Rico.

We ended up snorkeling (for the first time ever together, first time in years separately) and seeing some nice stuff. But I also imagine that perhaps that's what caused this. Right now I'm engaging in an aloe, cocoa butter, and vitamin E cream regimen to calm down the pain. Because it hurts.

Other than that, lots of work on a design project (including working for three days on something that was just a background) and DIY projects that are part of the I'm-so-burnt-I-can't-really-do-anything condition I'm in. Will keep posting later on.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Maybe later?

I was going to do a post, but right now I'm just too exhausted...I've been working over 11 hours on a design project and I'm burnt out. For now, I distract you with canine cuteness:

Picture taken while doing a photoshoot for another project, which will hopefully be paid more attention to soon...

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Busy, busy, busy, & nerd porn.

I've been meaning to blog for a while here, but life has other plans. I've been getting called literally everyday these past two weeks for appointments and such so I've had very little time to blog. I managed to score a tutoring gig for the summer, so yay for income! So now I have the design gig and tutoring, plus my thesis occupying me. Additionally, my cousin from New York decided to drop by as a surprise, so there's been a lot of catching up. On a sadder note, my grandfather has to move (after hitting 80 and living in the same place for almost 20 cruel) so we're helping him out as best we can. That last bit is very sad and it's hit grandpa very hard, so we're trying to be as supportive and helpful as possible.

When I've had time, I've managed to sneak in a few DIY projects here and there. I finished the stud blazer, so when I can I will put pictures up of that. I also started working on a studded shirt. Both of these projects were inspired by Mimi Jeung of Brook & Lyn and Zana of Garbage Dress. But I will put pictures up when it's not 12:50 AM. Instead, I'll leave you with a picture of some books that arrived a little bit ago. I bought these at the PCA/ACA (Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association) joint conference at New Orleans, Louisiana. I haven't been able to read them yet as my time has been consumed by other unexpected activities. I want to dive into my pile of nerd porn! But I have been denied!

Until the next post, take care everyone!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The good things: one of two Hs.

So in my previous self-lamenting post I had mentioned that there were some good things that kept me barely hanging on and this is one of them:

One of the conferences I presented at was the ACLA annual meeting held at Harvard University. The funny thing was, when I applied, I didn't know it was at Harvard so when I got accepted it was a bit of a shock, really. And my family and friends dropped their contents, which was hilarious. But it was all thanks to my friend Gerard who suggested the topic! If he hadn't suggested the topic, I wouldn't have had a paper to submit.

Other than that, presenting at Harvard was a pretty amazing experience. Boston was, for me, unexpectedly small...I could walk everywhere without really needing the to use the subway. And, dear clam gods, why did nobody ever tell me about clam chowder before? Delicious! I went to Salem, which was a bit of a let down (or maybe it was just getting utterly lost in the rain and fog). The only thing that bothered me was that a lot of things were closed because of the season. Which was a bummer because there were a lot of things I was interested in doing that were unavailable.

And the other thing: the weather. Nobody told me that it was going to be like this 95.9% of the time:

But still, it was good. I'm developing a tolerance to colder weather. And I had one of the best egg tarts I've eaten ever!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

There will be more upbeat posts later...

It's been a month since I last blogged and it's due to a mixture of high levels of busy and distraught. Some good things have occurred, and I try to think about them to keep me afloat, but it's been difficult. I realize that some people may be surprised because I haven't mentioned any of this, but I don't like talking about what happens to me. I have a hard time opening up and talking about things.

The first thing that has me upset is that one of my dogs may have a tumor. The vet put her under treatment to see if it was an infected abscess that hasn't broken, but no it's highly probable it's a tumor. The worse is that she is old (we've had her for almost twelve years and she came to our house as an adult) and that the location of the tumor makes it almost impossible to eliminate. She's been doing okay so far, she doesn't seem in pain at all, but needless to say I am gutted. There's been a lot of crying because, come on, I love my dogs. And thinking that she may die in a lot of pain, or worse, that I may have to make the decision of putting her down literally makes me sick. So far Damian is the only one that I've told because I haven't felt like speaking about it at all. I just feel like spending as much time with my dogs as possible.

Second, jobs. Everyone knows that the job market sucks monkey gonads and I'm really feeling it right now. I've secured a freelance job until late June, but that's it. That's all I have. And I've applied to around...14 jobs. I've only gotten four replies. And most of them were: sorry, full! Or, we have no money so it would have to be pro-bono. I'm holding it for two that may have some hope, but I don't want to get my spirits up.

Third, but closely tied to second, money. All of my available money is currently compromised towards another conference I will be going to later in the year, but I will talk about that in another post. I'm really glad that I got accepted (only 35 people were selected to present), but it's going to be very expensive. So everything I make off this freelance gig is going to the Intelligentsia Conference Fund (aka Stella's savings to go to conferences). I'm okay with eating lunch at home (it's healthier and it saves money), but it really stresses me out that I have to ask my parents to help me out. As someone who has been working for such a long time, to find myself in a position where I have to ask for help really hurts me. It makes me think that there's something wrong with me, not with the job market (though I am aware that I am over-qualified for most jobs out there).

Fourth, and quite possibly the straw that broke the camel's back, is academia. I was supposed to defend this summer. Meaning, I was supposed to finish. But yesterday I got an e-mail from one of my committee members saying that that committee member in particular would not be available from less than two weeks onward. Despite my previously speaking to this committee member about my urgency to defend in summer. Needless to say, it was like a slap in the face. It just took the wind out of me and right now I feel aimless. I'm still going to finish my thesis in summer, but now I have to defend in fall. In addition, I haven't received papers from the school I'm going to apply to so now I have to go through the dog and pony show of having the request them all over again.

There are good things, yes. I'm trying to hang on to those. But right now, these things are overwhelming me. Not to mention friends who are going through unsettling situations that worry me about their well-being.

I guess that will be all for my first post in a month. I didn't mean for it to be a negative post, but that's what I needed to let out right now. The following posts will be about the good things that have happened (and are happening) and the DIY projects I've been doing. Since lack of money means having to bust out the fabric and sewing skills. Which I don't mind because it is practice.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Pride, Predujice, Zombies?

Don't really care what most critics think, I definitely have to read this book...and I need to own it, if just for the cover. Are there posters?

(Morbid, I know.)

I'm finally back and done with conferences for now. Now my primary concern is finishing this semester and school altogether. Without losing my mind of course. I am currently concentrating on just getting through these next three weeks and finding a job. The job is the most urgent need, honestly. I'll finish school this year (hopefully), but I won't walk until next year so...priority number one: job.

I seriously contemplated a design degree, but staying here is not attractive to me at all. The degree would be a back-up to the back-up of the main plan. Let's see how that goes.

I'll post on New Orleans later. I still have to upload my pictures! Until then, good night!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Hey guys. I'm a horrible blogger, there, I said it.

Now that that's out of the way, blogging will resume when I either have some free time here or when I get back to PR.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

All day, working on a resumé...

Oh no, that rhymed.

But yes, it's true. I've been working for several hours straight on this damn thing. Complete and total redesign. I think it looks much cleaner, sophisticated, and mature than my first attempt. I'm tempted to include pictures of both here, but the old one is just too embarrassing for me. So here you go. A peek at my new one.

Tiny peek, I know. But it's almost 2:30 AM, I am exhausted, and I took a screen cap. Woo.

Goodnight everyone. Busy couple of days coming up.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

1920s: At the beach?

Oh no.

Not another hat!

I think my weakness for hats (and 20s-30s style hats) is well documented here. So really, there's no need to explain away this puppy. But my question is, will it work?

Since I'll be in the US again next week, I think I'm going to try to hunt this puppy down at a Forever 21 store...see how it looks on...but I just think it looks too cute to pass up.

And there will be another hat for Damian to plop atop his head so he can take silly pictures. And then put them on a social networking site. With me looking all weird.

So anyway. In addition to next week's business and cavorting, tickets have been booked for spring break! This means Stella needs a job for this summer! If anybody has any graphic design needs, needs an English/Spanish translator/interpreter, personal shopper, or editorial assistant then I am your girl! Hire me!

Friday, March 20, 2009

They call me Hamfoot.

Originally uploaded by chromachord
Yes, I've been away again. Simply no time to blog. Consumed by thesis and preparation for conferences. That and the lovely incident with an anthill that left my foot looking like a leg of ham. Really. You can ask Damian about that.

To entertain you, I leave you with a video of the drag queen competition/talent show I stumbled upon with a conference friend on my last night in Albuquerque. This kind of thing doesn't happen back home!

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Sick (Alcove kiva).

Alcove Kiva.
Originally uploaded by chromachord.
Just wanted to entertain you whilst I nurse a damn cold. Funny, I got sick upon my return from the cold desert, not while there...


This picture was taken at Bandelier National Monument while I was in New Mexico this past week. I went there for academic reasons (conference), but hey! One can always sneak in a little fun too, no?

By the way, I had to climb up the side of a mountain to get this picture. To be exact, four sets of wooden ladders and walking around a cliff face for a total of 140 feet. I am terrified of heights, so panic attacks where involved.

Enjoy while I attempt to sleep. Will post more soon. Hopefully. I am so swollen I could barely get my rings on and off, so fashion and life are all about comfort at this point.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

So long, Albuquerque.

Hope to swing this way again!

I'll be leaving in a little more than 12 hours: heading back home. Albuquerque has been pretty awesome. I apologize for the lack of blogging (and commenting!) but you'd think that this particular hotel would have more than 3 computers for it's multitude of guests. No. Just 3. Everybody, DUKE IT OUT.

Get it? Duke City? Albuquerque? Aw, shucks.

Well, blogging will hopefully resume once I get back home and get into the swing of things. Am sick with a cold. Desert dryness + change of seasons = messed up innards.

Everyone: stay classy.

Friday, February 27, 2009


And stay classy!


(Happy now, hmmm?)


Hello everyone, I'm in New Mexico! Currently at a conference...just gave my presentation today.

Access to computers is terrible! Three computers for an entire hotel, what is this...oh well. I am off to bed. Probably will not post anything until I get back to PR. In the meantime, take care, stay safe, and do right!

Friday, February 20, 2009

If we were in a relationship...

...this blog would have abandoned my arse ages ago, seriously.

How are you all? Hope everything is good and that I was sorely missed (I can dream!). I've been ridiculously busy with school, thesis, and freelance design projects. Oh, and presentation papers. Thankfully all design projects are finished. Now just to deal with those nasty little papers and thesis.

No picture now, but a to-do list to remind myself of everything to do before next week, preferrably tomorrow:

-wash clothes
-pack said clothes
-finish supernatural advertising paper
-cook for potluck (me and my mouth...)
-FIND IPOD CABLE FOR THE LOVE OF DIOR, WOMAN (seriously, I need to update my music)
-pray for magical battery replacement to fall lightly from the sky and onto my laptop (it won't)
-e-mail friends about replacement course
-find 1gb XD card that's in my room somewhere
-use graphic tablet at some point (Damian got it for me as a V-day present and I've been so busy I haven't been able to properly use it yet. Je suis horrible!)
-try on clothes for Saturday, see if I still fit in damn dress. If not, find emergency back-up plan
-start drafting itineraries
-e-mail questions for freelance design jobs! CALL SCHOOL.
-magically regain all muscle tone and lose all fluff that developed over Christmas. Unless a radioactive spider bites me, this will not happen. Shit.

I think that's it...more things will probably crop up, they always do.

Will do a better update soon, promise! Till then, I bid you adieu. Good night!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines!

Dietrich the Lovesaurus wishes you love! ;) Hope you're spending your free time with those care about: family, friends, significant other! And if not, I hope you get to do so soon. Also, remember that Valentine's isn't the only day to show the people you love that you care.

And if you're not the Valentine type, disregard this post. Or at least, dig the awesomeness of a t-rex holding a very pink heart!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fake it.

I'm in the cheap-o frame of mind lately. Don't want to buy anything expensive. But I still like certain things.

I've been craving this bag from Shop:Lush. I know it's a copy of the Chloé Edith. I know. But I can't help it. I don't want to buy the Chloé Edith. It's too expensive. Right now, I'm pretty over expensive bags.

So what to do I do? I know I shouldn't give a flying fart in space about what people think, but I'm just worried about the providence of this bag. I don't want something made in a sweatshop. I don't advocate fakes (in fact, I've had very visceral reactions against people who I know purchased fakes). And it's not the fact that it's fake, it's the question of where it came from and what it pretends to be. This one doesn't have a big fake Chloé tag on it anywhere. So perhaps it is qualified as inspired by Chloé.

Or maybe I'm just giving this damn thing too much thought. I mean, for $49.99, really...

Oh well, I'll continue thinking.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


As promised, I will tell you about my weekend. It may appear to be nothing out of this world to some, but to me it was pretty terrifying.

Then again, I have a penchant for dramatic reactions.

I did not mention it here, but I was chosen to participate in a local (local meaning everybody from the island) graphic design contest called Comando-S (Command-S), sponsored by Scion, Coca-Cola, and El Nuevo Día, the biggest of the local newspapers. Needless to say, I was dropping my contents.

The day of the competition arrived and I was so nervous that, honestly, I felt like crying. When they called our round up and my computer's Photoshop was being a pain, I was on the border of bowing out. For the record, I don't remember anything of what I said when I was asked to step up the microphone. And if anybody reading this does know, don't remind me. Let that remain forever blurred from my memory! But I figured I have to soldier on and do what I had to do.

I lost.

According to the judge I spoke, it was a difficult decision. I came in second. I admit that I forgot to add another element, which was a requirement, so that probably was one, if not the, determining factor. Obviously I was distraught, but at the same time I kept telling myself that, hey. I did something. I managed to calm myself down and keep my cool after my initial nervous episode; despite an overeager photographer clicking away. (Apparently, I'm the only female that has participated in the competition so far.)

Still, it was an important step for me. I have a nasty tendency to either quit or to soldier on until I'm beating a dead horse. And I didn't quit. I'm keeping on! I've had two more people procure my design services and am expecting another project to come up soon. Which is quite, quite good.

However, the day of the contest I needed a cheer, so I went to Charlotte Russe (which was conveniently located steps away from the competition locale) and shopped some pain away. But I will post pictures of that later. Too tired right now. (Seems that's all I say nowadays...sad.)

But I will not leave you empty-handed! I do have a work outfit picture to put up. This features a shirt that Keyla was all: please explain that to me. Because we both wear things that a lot of people would consider peculiar, but to her, this seemingly took the cake. Behold my pink shirt. When I go pink, I go burn your eyes out pink.

Shirt: Salvation Army, .50.
Skirt: Old Navy, $5.00.
Necklace: Marianne, $3.25 for set.
Shoes: Marc Jacobs, $45.00.
Bracelets: Can't tell, probably thrifted!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This is your brain. It goes pop.

So yes, I've been out of the loop for a while and I apologize for that. My time management skills are clearly extraordinary. Freelance projects, thesis, papers, school. And this little thing I had over the weekend that I will talk about later. No biggie, just material for life lessons I guess?

Will write more when I have clearer head. Off to sleep. Will leave you pictures of recent (recent being almost two weeks ago) acquisitions.

From left, cape by I don't remember, studded skirt by Kenar, velvet blazer by Bagdley Mischka. You can't really tell, but it has quite nice detail. Better pictures later. Am trashed.

And yes, those are sheep over my face. Honestly, I looked either murderous or delusional.

Thursday, February 05, 2009


Things that I've been craving lately (they would all make lovely Valentine's presents for me!):
Giles and Brother Tiny Fly Earrings, $65.00. These are great. Totally out of left field. Damian likes them too, but he assures me that many onomatopoeic jokes about flies buzzing would happen.

The Orphan Collection Top at Common Threadz, $38.00. All proceeds of this shirt go to feeding an orphan for a month.

Forever 21 necklace, $6.80.

I need that necklace in my life seriously...Definitely look up the Common Threadz website! I have to admit, I don't feel comfortable with how they display the children ( I don't know, it kind of feels exploitative to me) and if you feel compelled help them out by buying a shirt. I know I will when I can.


Just a quick picture post before I dash off to school. Life is hectic.

These are just some little projects I'm working on, but they're still in the development stages. My face so far is the lined one though...

Anyway, off to school! Take care everyone.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Standing at the bottom, staring at the climb.

I'm sure you've noticed that outside of the Valentine's Guide, I haven't really posted anything lately. Sorry! Unfortunately, I haven't had any time. I'm buried under a design project, papers, class, and, of course, my lovely darling monster thesis. I think I may have mentioned the design project earlier, but I didn't want to go too much into it. Thankfully, I'm close to finishing it up. I guess this is my first official design job? I had to do design for Pastiche too, but...somehow this feels more real to me, more official?

Anyway. Turns out that not only was I going to design the posters, program, and promotional postcard, but also a banner that will be hung over the lobby in the main building. I am shitting my pants right now. There is no other way to say it! Exciting! Ridiculous pictures of me with googly eyes staring at the poster may follow. :)

Here's a little blurb about the conference and the poster from my department's webpage.
For some reason the picture looks a little strange...oh well. You get the gist of it, no?

Another factor in my lack of posts is the fact that my camera is being even more problematic. That and I have to buy yet another round of rechargeable batteries. Also, I'm preparing for the dreaded tour that will commence in less than three weeks. Mind you, it's not a real tour, but I will be traveling and working.

I'm just very tired and afraid, looking at all the things that I have to do in these upcoming months. The urgency of it all and the swiftness in which post-grad life is creeping up upon me is ridiculous. I've sworn myself into finishing this summer, but how will that go? What comes after? I know that I shouldn't plan that ahead, but I want something I can look forward to. A certainty of land amidst the sea of chaos that is my life right now.

Oh well. Enough poetics. Hopefully will post more. And fix camera!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

V-Day Gift Guide: Little Somethings 3.

So let's say that you're significant other like scarves. Has them in all possible incarnation: cotton, wool, fleece, jersey, silk! Tye dye, plaid, houndstooth, and solids as well. Yet they still want more.

This may satisfy their cravings.

If they don't particularly fancy this color scheme, there are others available at this Etsy seller's store: she make each of the designs themselves.

Available at for $19.00.

V-Day Gift Guide: Shirts 2.

So you know someone and you kind of like this boy. And they kind of like you too.

But they also really really like coffee. And you conveniently know their shirt size!

you go.

A caffeine molecule shirt so your objet d'amour can announce his passion for drink that wakes him up at mornings and carries him through dark work-filled nights.

Available at for $16.00.

Friday, January 30, 2009

V-Day Gift Guide: Little Somethings 2.

Someone dear to you have a thing for cutesy animals and characters hanging from their bags? Or using them as keychains?

Take a look at these guys...I couldn't pick just one to feature..

Available here.

Made by a Singaporean couple, Leather Prince stocks the almost obscenely cute critters featured above. Also, they take custom orders! So if you want to have a charm made that looks like your recipient's favorite pet, feel free to make a request! I know for a fact that I am definitely putting in an order for a couple as soon as I have disposable income.

Just keep in mind that they will be on vacation till February 3rd, so all orders will ship that day!

Prices range from $16.50 to $17.50 at

V-Day Gift Guide: Home.

Got a significant lover that's kind o f messy? Want to give them something to help them get a little organized?


A nice, black & white illustrated tray. Keys, jewelry, wallet, iPod, or mail; it's their pick what they'll use it up for. If you feel bad giving it empty, fill it up with some stuff the recipient will appreciate. What with? Your pick! ;)

Available at for $25.00.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

V-Day Gift Guide: Shirts.

Got a guy that needs some new clothes? Does he like things that have designs, but are not too trendy? Is he eco-conscious?


A nice simple graphic print on a gray shirt. Not only is your man dressed, but he's promoting alternative energy! And he's also supporting independent vendors at Etsy. So it's all good.

Available at for $16.00.

V-Day Gift Guide: Accessories.

Got a photography lover in your life who needs a new bag?


A nice print featuring a Diana camera, that's the only complicated thing about this messenger bag. No fancy bells and whistles, just a simple, unisex bag. Good for those who just like things that are simple, straight, and to the point!

Available at for $20.00.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

V-Day Gift Guide: Jewelry.

If you just have to do jewelry, do something with meaning. Like a forget-me-(k)not ring!


Delicate and sweet. With an important message!

What can I say, I've always wanted one. Not necessarily have one give it to me, but I've always found them attractive.

Your choice of sterling silver or gold-filled at Fred Flare for $54.00

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


As a girl from Puerto Rico, I don't really know what winter is. To me, winter is complaining about the "extremely cold" 60 degree Farenheit weather we get at night during Christmas. And going to the beach during the day. Now I'm not saying that for you to hate me or punch me in the face the next time you see me. It's just the truth.

That said, I have no experience with the cold. As Damian has so articulately pointed out many times, I'm a wuss. The slightest breeze and I turn into my superhero alterego BW, Burrito Woman. Yes, that's right, you heard it here first. I look like a walking comforter: as if a bed's covers decided to sprout legs and walk around, that's how much I suck at dealing with the cold.

In the face of upcoming events that will indeed plunge me headfirst into cold that I most certainly have not known before, I have had to take drastic action. So to prepare, I've bought myself a coat. Actually, two. But I will feature my most recent buy here first. I bought it on sale at JCPenney for $43.00. It's black and white plaid. It has a funnel neck, which I adore. But I'm still scared I look like an old angry Russian hobo. And I say that not because I hate Russia or because I have anything against hobos. No, no! I've always wanted to go to Russia and I feel horribly sad when I see homeless people. But I'm scared I look like the Russian from Snatch when he was in Batman Begins.

See picture!

As you can see, I'm styling it already. I've decided that since it's a dressier coat, I'm going to wear my damn hats. Why? Because, by the Almighty Noodly Appendage, those hats have waited long enough to be taken out and used in appropriate weather. And, of course, boots, because I suck at conventional shoes when cold comes. Yay or nay?

My second coat is a decidely sportier? affair. It's from Old Navy and I bought it at half off back in October because after going to New York when it was 50 degrees and being saved by my cousin's puffer coat, I am a believer. It has a hoodie, with fake fur trim, which is totally hilarious. I bought it for function, not form. I wanted it white, but everyone question my sanity (IT WILL GET DIRTY, they said. YOU WILL LOOK GRIMY, they argued.) so I got it in a darker shade. Pictures will follow when I start getting stuff ready for my trip.

Second outfit is a reminder to myself on how to look on those off days. Because, seriously. Sometimes dressing up isn't so bad? And I am kicking myself for not buying that jacket. KICKING MYSELF. It was the softest leather I've ever a perfectly worn-in jacket after years of use. Ugh.

Excuse my expression and my lack of shoes. I was trying things on for crying out loud!

But I did get those pants. And those pants are going to travel with me. Oh yes.

Clearly, I have not been cured of my love for wide-leg pants. My mother weeps.

Oh, jeans for $11.00 at JCPenney. I feel weird shopping there, though...

V-Day Gift Guide: Little Somethings 1.

Sure, it's just a decal. But what it says means a lot. Of course, if you mean it. Or get it for yourself to remind you of what you should do instead of wanting to beat up that person who stole your parking. Though it's hard to do.

Put it on a mirror or on a wall they're sure to see. For $6.00, it's not really that big a loss!

Of course, this could easily be a DIY project if you have enough time and if you're stealth enough to do it without getting caught.

You can find the "Love" decal here.

V-Day Gift Guide: Chocolate!

Somebody you love like cocoa? A lot? How about giving them a hot mug on Valentine's? But not just any hot cocoa, no!

Go all the way! Give it to them with heart cut-out marshmallows!


If you want to be hardcore and DIY (do it yourself), cut out some hearts from regular marshmallows! :) Perhaps DIY is the way to go...seeing as it is only a single serving package. So take this as an idea!

Available at Fred Flare for $8.00.