I diligently apply and reapply sunblock when I go to the beach. I usually use 75 SPF, but this time I took 50 SPF because that's what I found in my cabinet. Yesterday, Damian and I went to the beach with my cousin and her husband and we did apply sunblock a couple of times. And this still happened. That's how nasty the sun can be in Puerto Rico.
We ended up snorkeling (for the first time ever together, first time in years separately) and seeing some nice stuff. But I also imagine that perhaps that's what caused this. Right now I'm engaging in an aloe, cocoa butter, and vitamin E cream regimen to calm down the pain. Because it hurts.
Other than that, lots of work on a design project (including working for three days on something that was just a background) and DIY projects that are part of the I'm-so-burnt-I-can't-really-do-anything condition I'm in. Will keep posting later on.
Aaah! The Band-Aid Pirate!
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