Friday, June 26, 2009

Fashionable ex-con?

I finally finished the graphic design project: now I'm just waiting to hear if they have any comments or changes to be made. But it is done! Now I can completely focus on my thesis, photography, and DIY projects like this one:

My dog decided to make an appearance...I don't mind, but these are the only decent shots I got! The others consisted of her jumping up and down to get my attention. And I've got my summer clothes on: it's far too hot and humid to contemplate jeans or sleeves at this point.

Anyway, this was the first stage of the cardigan. I'm almost finished adding some extra fabric to the front, so I will update with that. Some might say it's too much strip, but I beg to differ...though I have my own particularly graphic and odd tastes, so it's clear I may think it's normal and others not! ;)

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