People, I have this skirt. This exact same skirt. I kid you not. Well, okay, the plaid is a different plaid, but they are the same length, same fringe at the front edge, same leather straps to the side. I think my brain's going to explode. Of course, I would not wear it in this exact same fashion (I have to admit, it takes fashion cojones that I don't have...yet), but I am pleased to see that there is someone else rocking the tartan. And! That this someone is feature on The Sartorialist. I'm not saying that the Sart is the be all and end all of the fashion world, but, it's a pretty good place to be!
I'm so excited!
Oh, and where did I find my tartan? At the Salvation Army for less than .50...amazing. And it's a real tartan too.
ETA: Apologies for the large image...I clicked the small option, but this is what showed up! Also, this picture is property of Scott Schuman, the beloved Sartorialist. Long may he photograph!
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