Tuesday's outfit was an attempt to cheer myself and funk it up. I may not repeat it, since I felt very awkward wearing this pencil skirt for work. I'd much rather wear it when going out with friends or on a date with the boyfriend. But I appreciate the fact that I took a chance and went a bit out of the norm for my work outfit. At least, my norm for work outfits.
It was also one of my several attempts at casual updos. I usually just brush my hair and hit the road, but I felt I should be stepping it up. So far, this is my least favorite of the attempts, but again. I tried! And trying is half the battle!

Outfit details:
Earrings: Native American-made from New Mexico
Top: ??? (tags were removed) via Salvation Army
Belt: Urban Outfitters
Skirt: Forever 21
Necklace as bracelet: Made by me!
Shoes: Target
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