Wednesday, February 14, 2007

More Marc!

My new puppies came in the mail today! On Valentine's! Two fantastic things for the price of one! (My man and my boots!) Anyhoo, here are some pictures of the new Marc Jacobs boots I scored on eBay for $99! The original price was 550+ :)

I love the Robin's Egg interior!


Myko Kitsune said...

First of all, happy valentine's day.
Second, me estoy muriendo de la envidia por las botas, y por los zapatos, de verdad que estan super chulos. Loca estoy yo porr comprarme unas botas por que no tengo ningunas and they an esssential part of a goth girls wardrobe.

Viv said...

Oooohhhh pretty! Take them out for walks frequently. They deserve to be seen! :)