To say that the start of this new year has been bumpy could be an understatement. School driving me mad, papers and thesis threatening my sanity, intensely disliking my job, desperately wanting to move out, and other things that I will not mention here for the sake of privacy and respect. Though only two classes in, the majority of my students look so unhappy to be there. And upon correcting their essays, I'm unhappy too, because apparently they did not learn anything in the first part of the course. (Only two have taken the course previously with me, so I know those learned. THEY. HAD. TO.)
This was supposed to be an outfit post: every semester, I come up with the grand plan of photographing my work outfits. I always either forget, have no time, or come home so tired and disheveled that I just can it. I already missed one outfit, so I was going to try to make up and post the second. To try to spice things up (and mirror my then mood, which turned out to be foreshadowing) on Tuesday I decided to take a classroom picture when all the students had gone.
Little did I know that the face I made for the pic I would be having ten minutes later.
Stupid car dumped me again! I may have to hatch a plot (a Damian-suggested plot) of finding a way to give my car to the Mythbusters and making them blow it up.
Oh Jamie and Adam. If you read this, please make this poor girl's dream of redemption and violence come true!
Belt: thrifted, .25
Earrings: Kress .50 (and outfitted with sterling silver posts, so that ramped them up to a whole $1.50!)
Bangles: thrifted, .75 for about 8 bangles.
Dress: Isaac Mizrahi for Target, $9.99
Shoes not pictured: Liz Claiborne, $15.99
Nerdery, I mean, glasses: Cynthia Rowley, $47.00, JC Penney
...yo quiero ese traje!!!
Trate de encontrar el link para enviartelo, pero parece que ya no lo venden. :/
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