I pigged out and just ate too much. Should've passed up dessert, but that damn chocolate Godiva
cheesecake was tempting me. Urgh.
On better news, got to toy around with a 1979 Fiat Spider today. Fiat Spiders are love. I want one. Only thing is that I have to learn how to drive standard first. Hm.
Monday, February 26, 2007
No pain, no gain?
I jogged about a mile close to an hour ago and it feels as if somebody ripped off my lower legs, beat them against a concrete fence, then reattached them to me. Ow. At least I know I burned off the calories of the cream cheese, veggie, and turkey sandwich I ate. And if I didn't, don't tell me. :D

I spent most of my weekend vegging out, watching Star Wars on TV. Yes, highly productive was I. Also, I found this beauty at the Coach website. I definitely want it. When I showed it to D, the first thing he said was "uh-oh" because he knows the thing I have for skulls and skeletons and all things remotely spooky or piratey. However, I won't be getting it anytime soon. I'll try to score it when I swing by San Juan next month. Hopefully, they'll have it.
Working out = sucks. Urgh pain.
I need to go take a shower so I can run some errands. I'd honestly rather go to sleep (because there's nothing yummier than going to sleep on a full stomach). I should start carrying my camera around with me again...I haven't really taken many pictures lately, which makes me sad.
I didn't see the Oscars last night, except a momentary glimpse when I walked into the living room after being in the kitchen and seeing Helen Mirren and Tom Hanks presenting the award for Best Adapted Screenplay. Honestly, I don't really care about the Oscars anymore. I watched Discovery Channel. >.> I think that says a lot about my high levels of nerdery.
I already sent in my Optika essay, let's hope everything goes okay and the essay doesn't need further editing. Now I should get started on that essay that is currently my incomplete grade from last semester. I really don't want to work on it, but I need the grade to graduate sooo...I should hop to it. Bleh.

I spent most of my weekend vegging out, watching Star Wars on TV. Yes, highly productive was I. Also, I found this beauty at the Coach website. I definitely want it. When I showed it to D, the first thing he said was "uh-oh" because he knows the thing I have for skulls and skeletons and all things remotely spooky or piratey. However, I won't be getting it anytime soon. I'll try to score it when I swing by San Juan next month. Hopefully, they'll have it.
Working out = sucks. Urgh pain.
I need to go take a shower so I can run some errands. I'd honestly rather go to sleep (because there's nothing yummier than going to sleep on a full stomach). I should start carrying my camera around with me again...I haven't really taken many pictures lately, which makes me sad.
I didn't see the Oscars last night, except a momentary glimpse when I walked into the living room after being in the kitchen and seeing Helen Mirren and Tom Hanks presenting the award for Best Adapted Screenplay. Honestly, I don't really care about the Oscars anymore. I watched Discovery Channel. >.> I think that says a lot about my high levels of nerdery.
I already sent in my Optika essay, let's hope everything goes okay and the essay doesn't need further editing. Now I should get started on that essay that is currently my incomplete grade from last semester. I really don't want to work on it, but I need the grade to graduate sooo...I should hop to it. Bleh.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Random favorite food combination:
Chocolate with sunflower kernels. Yumtastic!
Chocolate with sunflower kernels. Yumtastic!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Class, how I adore thee.
Things I did in class when I should've been paying attention:
1) Work on a new layout.
2) Sporadically watch El Laberinto del Fauno (Pan's Labyrinth) on my friend's computer.
3) Wonder when class would be over.
4) Edit digital version of my Optika paper.
5) Curse the server because it was down, therefore I couldn't surf internet in class.
6) Text D asking if he wanted to see El Laberinto del Fauno.
7) Shiver.
8) Wonder if it was my Marc Jacobs top or the Escher top that arrived in the mail.
9) Wonder if the book that arrived was The Male Body or The Latin American Fashion Reader.
10) Organize files on computer.

Anyway. The shirt that arrived was the Escher top and the book was The Latin American Fashion Reader. I'm very excited about it. And before Tovi goes bitching and whining about: omG, more FASHION, the book is actually very interesting. It deals with the influence of Latin American fashion on the world and vice-versa, history and fashion's involvement in the forming of a nation's history, and such other things. I look forward to reading it in whatever spare time I may have.
I finished editing my Optika paper in last night's class and did the bibliography today at work. Hopefully, I'll send it today before I leave work or before class.
I must say, I'm addicted to the Deanimator flash game. It's a geek game! You shoot zombies and it's based on Re-Animator, the H.P. Lovecraft story. Total geek score. D sent me the link and I now play it all the time. I'm up to level ten. Wee. Addiction. He also gave me a Shaun of the Dead game, which is cool as well, but I'm much more entranced by Deanimator. Heh.
Recent not-so-fun events include one of my dogs pooping all over the house, including my Mac. Tsuki was not pleased. Well, a powerbook cannot communicate but I'm sure that it would say that it was displeased. Thankfully, nothing serious happened. Apparently the dog is feeling jealous and territorial of the other dog. Fun. Dogs these days.
That's all for now. 45 more minutes to go of work and then I'm out so I can forage for food and then go to class. Funtastic.
1) Work on a new layout.
2) Sporadically watch El Laberinto del Fauno (Pan's Labyrinth) on my friend's computer.
3) Wonder when class would be over.
4) Edit digital version of my Optika paper.
5) Curse the server because it was down, therefore I couldn't surf internet in class.
6) Text D asking if he wanted to see El Laberinto del Fauno.
7) Shiver.
8) Wonder if it was my Marc Jacobs top or the Escher top that arrived in the mail.
9) Wonder if the book that arrived was The Male Body or The Latin American Fashion Reader.
10) Organize files on computer.

Anyway. The shirt that arrived was the Escher top and the book was The Latin American Fashion Reader. I'm very excited about it. And before Tovi goes bitching and whining about: omG, more FASHION, the book is actually very interesting. It deals with the influence of Latin American fashion on the world and vice-versa, history and fashion's involvement in the forming of a nation's history, and such other things. I look forward to reading it in whatever spare time I may have.
I finished editing my Optika paper in last night's class and did the bibliography today at work. Hopefully, I'll send it today before I leave work or before class.
I must say, I'm addicted to the Deanimator flash game. It's a geek game! You shoot zombies and it's based on Re-Animator, the H.P. Lovecraft story. Total geek score. D sent me the link and I now play it all the time. I'm up to level ten. Wee. Addiction. He also gave me a Shaun of the Dead game, which is cool as well, but I'm much more entranced by Deanimator. Heh.
Recent not-so-fun events include one of my dogs pooping all over the house, including my Mac. Tsuki was not pleased. Well, a powerbook cannot communicate but I'm sure that it would say that it was displeased. Thankfully, nothing serious happened. Apparently the dog is feeling jealous and territorial of the other dog. Fun. Dogs these days.
That's all for now. 45 more minutes to go of work and then I'm out so I can forage for food and then go to class. Funtastic.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I just finished editing my very first manuscript for the publications office and I couldn't be more proud. Or tired of reading drama. :D I have enough of my own.
Just a quick update, I'll blog later on about my new theory book and my Marc Jacobs top that just arrived. Now I have to work on a pedagogy essay on textbook evaluation. Wee. Not.
Just a quick update, I'll blog later on about my new theory book and my Marc Jacobs top that just arrived. Now I have to work on a pedagogy essay on textbook evaluation. Wee. Not.
Monday, February 19, 2007
A more substantial post.

Hello everyone. Here on the left is last Thursday's outfit, one that I'm particularly proud of. I'm wearing a Metro for Walmart knit cape (I'm cheap), a Free People top, my skinny Levis, and my Marc Jacobs boots. I felt particularly stylish that day, and one girl even went so far as to say that my look was very Soho. If it was New York or London Soho, I do not know, but it is a compliment nonetheless!
And here I watch as Tovi passes out from the excess of fashion talk.
Anyway, what have I been up to lately other than stuffing things in my closet? Not much. I have to commence work on the final editing of my Optika presentation since it will be published in the Optika book! I'm very excited about that. I will be a published writer/author/nerd whatever you want to call it! It's not a massive editing though, just adding some bits here and there and fixing up the ending. I can't include images since I can't get the copyright and such, but still, I believe the essay is interesting enough to hold its own without added visual spice. Specially the deflowering part. Yep.
In other news, I'm still working on the manuscript back at the office. I hope to finish it this week since I already said I would and they've given me that as a deadline. Who would've thought that professors made so many mistakes when writing. Sheesh. But other than that, it's fine. I really like this job: it's amazing what goes on in the book creating process. I work in publishing now, and we see the book from raw material to published text. I'm currently the assistant editor (yes, again!) and my current occupation includes editing manuscripts, working with the stock, and picking up the phone. Wee. I'm also supposed to attend book launches, but due to my schedule, that's become pretty much next to impossible.
As to those who are wondering about my health, I'm much better, but I'm not alright yet. I'm somewhat wary of discussing it online now, since I know that even though there are lots of well-wishers, I also acknowledge that there are people who hate my guts and wish me harm. Oh well. I can't do anything but wish these people well and hope they are okay.
The medications are working, but it's mostly my job to make sure I'm in proper working shape. There are still bad times, but they've become more manageable, to my relief. Of course, I still have a ways to go, but it feels like I'm getting there.
In other news, my cousin had her first child, a tiny little lad called Esteban Andrés. Yes, I know that name sounds like that of a galán de telenovelas (for you English speakers, that would be the equivalent of a Hollywood hearthrob). Usually, I'm pretty retarded around children (as D so lovingly likes to point out), but this time I just couldn't help but stare in wonder at the newborn. My cousin seems changed (and I'm not talking just about maternity and the pounds), she genuinely seems to have become a better person. I'm glad. But I'm still scared of touching the child! (I'm too clumsy, I might hurt him!)
I think that's all, for now. I'm probably forgetting something important, like commenting on how cheesily fantabulous the new Ghost Rider movie is. Heh! And how cute my new owl necklace is. And how nice D looks in his new Pumas. Oh well, that will be for later, I must go now and pretend to care about my pedagogy class.
Oh, and is it just me, but is the newly slimmed down Marc Jacobs kinda scary...?
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
More Marc!

I love the Robin's Egg interior!
A Day of Love.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I hope you've spent it with those you love, be they your friends, your lovers, or your family. Even your dog! Pets get love too!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Boredom reigns.
So, I'm here at my last half hour of work, trying not to go crazy. I managed to edit 3 plays from the manuscript I'm doing, but now my brain is mush. Hopefully only until class. I need it for then. Not even the Baby Ruth I just ate gave me a sugar rush. Sad.
Optika went very well! Thanks to everyone who wished me luck and who attended. My D and Boobie Sharon showed up to be my support! Unfortunately, the other Boobies didn't make it due to scheduling conflicts. Anyway, I almost froze to death in the amphitheater. And I was also quite nervous, but come presentation time, I was able to assume a calmer exterior. Word on the street is that my paper was much enjoyed and so was the movie, although many people ended up being confused. (I talked about Shoujo Kakumei Utena.) All in all, conferencing was an interesting experience and I hope to do it again some time. Now I have to prepare my paper to hand it in to the Important People. I so have to do the bibliography. >.>
The afterparty was quite fun. Free food and good mojitos (of which I only took a sip...). And it felt quite odd to have people come up to me and compliment me or ask about my paper. '.'
And, before I forget, Boobies who took pictures, you'd better share! *pokes*
In other news, I succumbed to the temptation of Marc Jacobs once again. I got a pair of below the knee, kitten heel boots. Ay ay ay. I'll post pictures once I get the new fashion indulgence. My other boots still haven't arrived, and I'm kind of stressed. I know they're transfer and they're reserved only for moi, but still...
Also, I managed to do all my reading for my Nuyorican Poetry class. :O I feel so responsible.
Optika went very well! Thanks to everyone who wished me luck and who attended. My D and Boobie Sharon showed up to be my support! Unfortunately, the other Boobies didn't make it due to scheduling conflicts. Anyway, I almost froze to death in the amphitheater. And I was also quite nervous, but come presentation time, I was able to assume a calmer exterior. Word on the street is that my paper was much enjoyed and so was the movie, although many people ended up being confused. (I talked about Shoujo Kakumei Utena.) All in all, conferencing was an interesting experience and I hope to do it again some time. Now I have to prepare my paper to hand it in to the Important People. I so have to do the bibliography. >.>
The afterparty was quite fun. Free food and good mojitos (of which I only took a sip...). And it felt quite odd to have people come up to me and compliment me or ask about my paper. '.'
And, before I forget, Boobies who took pictures, you'd better share! *pokes*
In other news, I succumbed to the temptation of Marc Jacobs once again. I got a pair of below the knee, kitten heel boots. Ay ay ay. I'll post pictures once I get the new fashion indulgence. My other boots still haven't arrived, and I'm kind of stressed. I know they're transfer and they're reserved only for moi, but still...
Also, I managed to do all my reading for my Nuyorican Poetry class. :O I feel so responsible.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Part of a nerdgeek's wishlist.
As you all now, I have a Bachelors in English and am currently pursuing my Masters in English as well. So, it's safe to say, that I'm one of those people that actually enjoys talking about school stuff in her off time. Many a day off has been spent talking about how great T.S. Eliot was, how I'll probably end up in hell sharing a couple of drinks with Ernest Hemingway, and how Shakespeare can be a pain in the ass yet so entertaining at the same time. (And I mention those authors because a) these situations have happened b) they're fairly well-known so readers won't go "huh" and c) if I mentioned Jane Austen, people would start whining about chick lit).
So, in honor of my literary nerdery, I would like to show you some articles that I pine for that are in some way related to Willy Shakespeare, that man who put so many quotes into our current vocabulary and made the play that would facilitate us with Ten Things I Hate About You, that movie in which Heath Ledger sings and Julia Stiles began her career as a Shakespeare girl.

One of the first things I most want is this: a letter seal set! For some reason, ever since I was little and saw all those medieval movies showing the characters sealing their letters with wax, I've had a craving to do that.
That's it for now...I have to get back at scanning images for my Optika presentation. Wee.
So, in honor of my literary nerdery, I would like to show you some articles that I pine for that are in some way related to Willy Shakespeare, that man who put so many quotes into our current vocabulary and made the play that would facilitate us with Ten Things I Hate About You, that movie in which Heath Ledger sings and Julia Stiles began her career as a Shakespeare girl.
That's it for now...I have to get back at scanning images for my Optika presentation. Wee.
Hopefully a prototype.

I'd told myself that I wasn't going to do more fashion posts for a while, but I saw this and it definitely caught my eye. Hopefully, this is a prototype, but I think the concept is very interesting! It really brings architecture to fashion.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
I wear my heart(s) on my feet.

Here they are, my new darlings! I would very much like to thank Gotham City Online for their super-fast delivery. :) I can't wait to wear them, but I don't know when or where I shall do so.
As soon as I got home, I ripped open the box and tried them on. Quite honestly, these are the most comfortable shoes I've ever had on! They fit perfectly, though I think that if I order any closed toe Marc Jacobs shoes, I should order them size 11. Ten and a half is cutting it a little close.

They're here!

My Marc Jacobs shoes arrived today in the post! :) Still haven't touched or seen them yet, since I've been at work all day...As soon as I get home, I'll put them on and prance around and probably take pictures (of them and of the Ferragamos).

So anyway, since I've been on a Marc Jacobs binge lately, I've been really thinking that I want a wallet. So far, these are the three I really like.

At first, I was hankering for the mustard yellow one, but then I saw the red one and I fell in love. However, at 168 dollars a pop, I don't think I'll be getting one soon. I don't have that much disposable income!
Anyway, I'm so tired. And this has pretty much become a fashion blog. x.x I'm about one page shy of finishing my Optika paper, but I'm too tired to keep writing today (after revising even more books at work), so I might as well continue fixing up the presentation, right?
Monday, February 05, 2007
Proenza Schouler for Target.

I really like the dress and the chain print tee. Right now, those are my two to-die-for items. Now, all I need to
find out is if the clothing items fit true to size and harass someone to buy them for me. :P
Though I shouldn't because my poor credit card already is heaving under the weight of the Marc Jacobs shoes, all the books I had to buy for classes (and for my Optika paper), and other necessary sundry.
Anyway, I get back to work. I am being wenched by my Optika paper. Only 1.5 pages to go and I'm DONE. Then, time to finish making the Power Point slides. (Yes, I'm using PowerPoint, sue me.)
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Forever 21 situation solved! Ki-chan will order it for me online and then send it. :) Wee! Thanks Tovi for offering though!
It hasn't arrived and D already calls it The Matrix Dress. Oh, the humanity.
Anyway, I'm stuck writing my paper for Optika and it's a bit like trying to run through tar. I'm making this essay larger bit by bit, but it's The Suck. I have no idea how to end it. But I really shouldn't be worried about that, right, when I should be worried about how to flesh it out. Hmm.
The quota to fill is 6-7 pages single spaced. Woo. I am going on 3 and a half. There are things I have to develop, but my poor brain feels like it has given out. I always figured I would have more than enough material, but it feels like I'm grasping at straws.
And yes, I know, I haven't put up pictures of the Ferragamos or the links to the fashion blogs. Right now I'm kind of concentrating on this paper. With exceptions made for browsing shit I can't afford online.
And before somebody complains "ANOTHER fashion post!?" here's a picture taken at las Fiestas Patronales de Mayagüez. Yes, I went. No, I'm not ashamed. I wish I knew better my camera. It seems I take better shots with Damian's. Anyway, nothing fantastic. I've been out of taking pictures for a while.
And because if I don't take a break from writing this essay, my brain will implode, tonight I'm going out with Boobie Sharon. We're going out to see Because I Said So, movie who's existence I did not know of until I saw the ad today. It looks promising, and an LJ acquaintance said that it was good so, we will see. Plus, walking around the mall is always good. Looking at things we can't buy. :D I'll check if my boots finally arrived, hm.
Wow, this has been how many posts in one day?
It hasn't arrived and D already calls it The Matrix Dress. Oh, the humanity.
Anyway, I'm stuck writing my paper for Optika and it's a bit like trying to run through tar. I'm making this essay larger bit by bit, but it's The Suck. I have no idea how to end it. But I really shouldn't be worried about that, right, when I should be worried about how to flesh it out. Hmm.
The quota to fill is 6-7 pages single spaced. Woo. I am going on 3 and a half. There are things I have to develop, but my poor brain feels like it has given out. I always figured I would have more than enough material, but it feels like I'm grasping at straws.
And yes, I know, I haven't put up pictures of the Ferragamos or the links to the fashion blogs. Right now I'm kind of concentrating on this paper. With exceptions made for browsing shit I can't afford online.

And before somebody complains "ANOTHER fashion post!?" here's a picture taken at las Fiestas Patronales de Mayagüez. Yes, I went. No, I'm not ashamed. I wish I knew better my camera. It seems I take better shots with Damian's. Anyway, nothing fantastic. I've been out of taking pictures for a while.
And because if I don't take a break from writing this essay, my brain will implode, tonight I'm going out with Boobie Sharon. We're going out to see Because I Said So, movie who's existence I did not know of until I saw the ad today. It looks promising, and an LJ acquaintance said that it was good so, we will see. Plus, walking around the mall is always good. Looking at things we can't buy. :D I'll check if my boots finally arrived, hm.
Wow, this has been how many posts in one day?
More clothes.

So yeah. Vivi, this is the dress I e-mailed you about and then I realized the link I provided you with didn't work. Wee. This is called the Annie Dress, and it's the poor man's version of the Marc Jacobs Sumi Blossom dress. I really like it!
If anybody has a Forever 21 close by and can get it for me, tell me! ;_; Please. There are no Forever 21s in Puerto Rico and Forever 21 doesn't ship outside of the United States mainland anymore. :/
PS. I'm a medium!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Behnaz shirt.

Vivi, this is the shirt I was referring to in the comment, which didn't allow me to post the complete address. *sighs* I've been told it looks better in person, but I dunno. You tell me since you've probably seen it.
Will post Ferragamo pictures and fashion links soon. The Ferragamos aren't anything out of this world, just warning everyone!
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