Monday, December 25, 2006

Feliz Navidad

All the crap we bought at Kmart.


My favorite picture so far this Christmas.

A very special ornament...

And one unhappy dog!

Merry Christmas everyone! And to those who don't celebrate the holiday, I hope you get to spend some quality time with the ones you love :)


Myko Kitsune said...

I am more than delighted that you are feeling better. You know, once i see you there is a christmas gift waiting for you, so christmas will not be over until you get the last two presents, one, your emotional freedom and two a little something got for you. Merry Christmas sista'

nyd said...

i'm really glad u r feeling better. i also can't wait until the day ur off meds. that will be the day right. i know what it feels like to have to depend on meds, its horrible. but at least ur working ur way off of them. Hey girly why am i not on ur link list???

Viv said...

Poor dog...

Anonymous said...

Patch in the chirtsmass lightning!


Too bad he didn't seem up to it

Pretty pic's very nice!