Not the best pic ever, but it will do, no?
Some time ago, I started this headband (headchain? hairchain?) after being inspired by the blog Childhood Flames. Originally it had some fabric too, but I didn't like it. I told myself I was going to change it, but I kept putting it in the backburner until yesterday when I found it and decided it was now or never. And I quite like how it looks. I'm also planning on making a single chain headband since I think it will look pretty and interesting, a lone chain adorning one's hair!
Today I was also up to making my friend Jen's birthday present. It isn't much since I'm strapped for cash, but I think it's nice...I edited, printed out and framed some pictures of her and her husband from their wedding and from our trip to New Orleans. The first one is a total surprise since I never showed them the pics I took at their wedding. But I'm not going to put them up here since that's their private life. But they're really cute.
Other than that, nothing much. Just going to continue working on the design project, tutor a teenager (yay additional summer gig!), and DIY a lot. In addition to writing my thesis, oh but of course...Most of the DIY will consist of sowing some thrifted stuff. I really want to finish fixing up a romper I bought months ago, but have had no time to focus on.
Until the next post! Let's see if my schedule let's up. And my sunburn stops hurting. Yum.