One of my professors asked me to design pretty much everything publicity related for an upcoming event. This is pretty cool because it gives me a change to practice my graphic design skills, rounds out my resume, and, well. Publicity?

I've been getting most of my stuff on sale lately. Either that, or Salvation Army/flea markets for me! Have to seriously save for next semester since I have to be making a few business trips. Of course, some fun will be injected with them too!
I'd been obsessed with that dress for a while and they put it on a half-off sale, so it had to come home with me! I've worn it way too many times...and I've had it less than a month!
Jacket: Salvation Army (kids dept!)
Pins: Kress (turned earrings into pins)
Dress: Pitusa
Shoes: Old Navy
I'd say expect more posts soon, but I can't promise anything! I want to catch up on lost sleep...
And I have to catch up on academic work. Oh thesis.
heeeeey I need a name from you lady because calling you "symbol girl" isn't going to work. Maybe I should call you Prince? haha
Thanks for the support and the blog recommendations, I added them to the new blogroll!
p.s. I love the blazer/dress combo, I have been trying to pull that off and it hasn't worked yet.
Haha, Prince, oh name is Stella. :)
Thanks for the outfit compliments! I pretty much wear blazers all the time. Even my boyfriend is all: you really love those jackets, don't you?
Stella is my Style Guru!!! Slavation Army Kicks ASS!!!!!
For 20 bucks you can almost buy the whole lot!!!
Awww *hugs Klo* Thank ye!
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