As you can see, I'm obsessed with those patent peeptoes. They're low and they're super comfortable. And the last shirt is a houndstooth print.
And now, it's back to school. It felt strange walking those halls, like it was so long ago. Another weird thing is that on the class syllabus, it was requested that if any students suffered from a condition, the should inform the professor. So, I had to say about my depression. Of course, I waited until everyone left so I could speak to her in private. Oh well.
I think a lot of people don't know what's going on or they surmise that I am better, but I'm not well yet. There is a lot of taking the grief underground, mainly because I don't want to worry people or because I believe that while I can talk about this in my blog and with my friends, there are some aspects that are private. There are some people that I have no plans on revealing my situation to, but, we're not going to talk about that. Wee.
I miss you... call me !
By the way you look beautiful in the pic's
Stella has turned into a Lucky magazine model.
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