In other news, I'm trying to get myself together due to a series of situations that have been going on lately. As some of you may know, Damián finally moved in with me! The process has been great, but it sort of feels like an endless vacation since I get to have him around the whole time. (This isn't a bad thing! :) Unfortunately, this awesomeness has been marred by work woes (stress, drama) and one other thing: crime.
You see, I don't know if I've told you guys before, but ever since I moved in I've had problems. A little less than a week into the move, someone tried to break into my apartment. Less than three months later, my neighbor's car had it's wheels/rims stolen and I had to call 911 because she had hit herself and passed out from the shock. Yes, I planned to move out, but I wanted to wait for the contract to expire so I could keep the security deposit. Well, this week it's all come to a head. The straw the broke the camel's back, definitely.
I received a call at work from my neighbor, which caused my immediate concern. If she has anything to tell me, she usually waits until we coincide while arriving home. Her calling me in the middle of the work day? Not a good thing. Her apartment had been broken into and that was not all. A neighbor tried to stop the burglars and was met with a gun to his face. Fun. So now we are officially freaked out. Being in and leaving the apartment is an exercise in strength and bravery because I'm honestly in a constant state of panic. This was heightened last night when the downstairs neighbor told me to never be alone outside since the burglars have not been caught and they are still scouting the neighborhood for possible criminal opportunities.
Now, I know this isn't the usual optimistic (perhaps even materialistic) fare for this blog, but I've been processing all of this and neglecting myself the simple pleasures I once enjoyed. I just wanted to let you all know what's going on so you don't feel left out or forget this little corner of the web. Hopefully we'll find a place to move out soon and we'll be able to relax. Hopefully.
Stay safe everyone.
So sorry to hear about all of the scary things going on around your apartment!! I hope you guys stay safe and find a place to move ASAP!
That's funny, the blog thing I mean, because the first thing I thought was, "Wow, I like how simple this is." Like a little black dress.
The other thing isn't funny. It's scary. I hope you can find somewhere safer very soon. I once lived in an apartment where I was afraid to sleep because I didn't feel safe. That's no way to live.
=\ que horror. Gracias a Dios Damian se queda contigo.
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